AmeriCorps VISTA Hub
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Frequently Asked Questions
AmeriCorps VISTA Overview
AmeriCorps VISTA is a full time, federal service program where members are assigned to sponsoring organizations to build the capacity of organizations lifting communities out of poverty. Learn more.
The AmeriCorps VISTA Hub is the largest AmeriCorps VISTA sponsor in the western region. We host up to 60 AmeriCorps VISTA members and four VISTA leads. Our members work to address the impacts of COVID-19 and support overdose prevention efforts across California. Learn more.
Members support capacity building activities for the CHLI office, community-based overdose prevention coalitions, or nonprofits supporting COVID impact initiatives. Members work on projects including website maintenance, communication projects, community outreach, social media management, virtual and in-person event production, program coordination, resource development, grant writing, and more! Responsibilities will vary by placement.
Members make a full-time, one-year commitment. Members may be invited to extend their service term or re-enroll for an additional year after successfully completing their first 12 months.
Yes. Service members receive a bi-weekly living allowance deposited into their bank account. The living allowance is meant to cover basic necessities such as housing, food, and utilities. Living allowance rates are based on the county of the host site you are serving. Learn more.
Yes. All members are eligible and encouraged to participate in one of the AmeriCorps Healthcare Benefit options. Members may choose between two options. The AmeriCorps VISTA Health Benefit Plan is a basic health coverage plan for those who do not have health care coverage. The AmeriCorps VISTA Healthcare Allowance is for members with existing health care coverage to get reimbursement for certain out-of-pocket expenses. These plans are offered at no cost to AmeriCorps VISTA members. Learn more.
Yes. Members are entitled to ten days of personal leave during each full year of service. If members re-enroll or extend service with the same project without a break in service, members are entitled to any unused personal leave earned in the prior term of service.
Yes. Members are entitled to ten days of medical leave in addition to the 10 days of personal leave they receive during each full year of service. If a member re-enrolls or extends service with the same project without a break in service, they are entitled to any unused medical leave earned in the prior term of service.
Yes. AmeriCorps provides childcare benefits to qualifying members. Qualifying members must have children under the age of 13 and the member must be determined eligible based on certain income guidelines. Each state sets the maximum income. Learn more.
Yes. If an AmeriCorps member is moving for their service term and the host site is more than 50 miles from their permanent address, they are eligible for two relocation benefits:
Relocation Travel Allowance - This allowance is based on the direct mileage between your home address and your AmeriCorps service site. The allowance is calculated at $0.40 per mile and is paid eight to ten weeks after you submit a relocation voucher.
Settling-In Allowance - This one-time payment of $750 is intended to help cover initial settling-in costs, such as utility deposits and rental application fees. The allowance is automatically included in your first living allowance payment.
Yes. AmeriCorps VISTA members who successfully complete 12 months of service will receive either the end of service stipend or the Segal AmeriCorps Education Award. Members may only receive one of these benefits per year.
The AmeriCorps End of Service Stipend is a cash award for completing your year of service. The cash stipend is paid in a member’s last two living allowance payments and can used without restrictions. Federal income tax and Social Security (FICA) deductions are withheld from the cash stipend at the time of payment. For regular AmeriCorps VISTA members the End of Service Stipend is paid at $1,800. For AmeriCorps VISTA Leads, the End of Service Stipend is paid at $3,000.
The Segal AmeriCorps Education Award is a voucher (not cash) that can be used to pay for future educational training and related expenses at Title IV schools or to repay existing eligible federal student loans. Payments are made directly to your educational institution or loan servicer. The education award is equal to the maximum Pell Grant of the fiscal year in which you started your service. For members starting service on or after October 1, 2022, the value of the education award is $6,895.00. Learn more.
AmeriCorps requires that all members be at least 18 years old.
AmeriCorps VISTA requires members to hold one of the following citizenship or legal residency statuses: US citizen, US National, Lawful Permanent Resident (i.e. Green Card status), and persons legally residing within a state. Examples of persons legally residing within a state may include those holding the following classifications: refugee, asylee, temporary protected status throughout VISTA service, and Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) status.
No. Though most members serving with the AmeriCorps VISTA Program at the PHI Center for Health Leadership & Impact have a bachelor’s degree or equivalent experience.
No. This is a professional development opportunity and we do not expect that members have specific experience or training in public health. We are looking for strong communication skills, an interest in public health, and a commitment to service.
Maybe. Determinations are made on a case-by-case basis. All applicants undergo a criminal history check. Members should disclose any previous convictions on their application. Failure to disclose any previous convictions may be cause for denial.
AmeriCorps VISTA also requires a review of the National Sex Offender Public Registry, maintained by the Department of Justice, before an AmeriCorps applicant can be approved for service. Any applicant’s records found on this registry will result in deselection.
Yes. At the PHI Center for Health Leadership & Impact’s AmeriCorps VISTA Hub, all members must serve an average of 40 hour per week, with most members serving Monday – Friday, 9am-5pm PST. However, the program is a full immersion experience that may also require members to attend community meetings or events outside of regular business hours depending on the host site.
Maybe. AmeriCorps VISTA members are permitted to work part-time during their AmeriCorps service term. However, AmeriCorps VISTA members are not permitted to work during their service hours and outside employment may not conflict with any service responsibilities. All outside employment must be approved by the host site supervisor and AmeriCorps. Applicants who plan to work during their service term should discuss this during the interview process.
Maybe. We accept applications from candidates who are currently enrolled in coursework, however, members may not begin their service while enrolled in classes. We encourage students to apply to the program 3-6 months prior to graduation to secure a placement after their coursework has completed.
How to Apply to Serve
See the Current Opportunities page for a list of all open positions.
All applications must be received through the portal. We cannot accept applications directly and will not review application materials submitted via email. Learn more.
Please email or call (510) 285-9107 Ext: 3.
Please contact AmeriCorps directly.
We recruit year-round as placements open, and applications are reviewed on a rolling basis. We have start dates every month of the year except September. However, if you see an opportunity that interests you, we encourage you to apply as soon as possible.
For applicants who are currently in school, we encourage you to reach out 3-6 months before your graduation date to inquire about open positions.
Yes. Many of our placements have flexible start dates and we may be able to make adjustments to match your availability.
Yes. Applicants are encouraged to submit an application for all roles that are of interest. Submitting applications for multiple opportunities increases the chances that we will be able to find you a placement that matches your skills and interests.
The recruitment process generally takes between 6-8 weeks. However, this timeline may vary based on the number of applications received, the quality of candidates, and the host sites’ schedule. Candidates may be asked to participate in a phone screen with a VISTA Lead and 1-2 interviews with the host site to determine a member’s eligibility and placement.

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