We rigorously evaluate our work each year and survey program participants about their experience.

The data below reflect an aggregate impact across our work at the individual, team, and community levels. Participants in our programs and initiatives overwhelmingly report strengthend skills and ability to create a positive impact.

worked on projects that had a positive impact in their community


would recommend our programs to a colleague


applied skills to their everyday work


improved their leadership skills


engaged new partners in their community


improved their ability to develop policy solutions



Individuals report gaining valuable skills, experience, and ability to affect change in their local communities.


local leaders & future public health professionals

94% of participants self-reported improvement in leadership skills

94% of participants applied skills and knowledge from our programs toward everyday work

93% of participants self-reported improvement in building cross-sector partnerships

90% of participants improved their ability to develop policy solutions

Through NLAPH I have had the focused time, reflection, and coaching to identify the strengths and gaps in my skill sets and natural tendencies in a way that will help me partner better in diverse teams and honor my own and others’ contributions.

-NLAPH Cohort 9 2020 participant

The key leadership skill that I developed is to recognize the needs of our community and partner with others to implement strategies for better outcomes.

-CALAPH Cohort 6 2020 participant

Discover how we help build adaptive leadership skills for public health professionals

Read case study


Teams and coalitions report significant progress in their ability to work across sectors and develop new partnerships.


teams, coalitions, and host sitesparticipating in our programs

95% of participants self-reported progress toward project goals

3 out of 4 of participants expanded their professional networks

Before COPN we operated in a more isolated way...COPN has broadened our perspective and given us a sense of unity with other coalitions tackling our nation's overdose epidemic.

-2022 COPN Report

I now seek out and include all key stakeholders, even those with potentially differing values, to get to increased awareness, collaboration, and alignment.

-NLAPH Cohort 9 2020 participant

Learn how one team developed strategic partnerships to support overdose prevention efforts in Contra Costa County, California

Read case study

Discover how one team’s project led to policy change in Sacramento

Read case study


Communities across the country have experienced a positive impact and healthier outcomes as a result of our programs.


states & territories reached by our programs & initiatives

97% of participants worked on projects that had a positive impact in their community

93% of participants engaged new partners in their community

The sharing of resources and tools along with mentoring from others has been invaluable. Generating ideas together and sharing outcomes has advanced implementation into communities more rapidly.

-2022 COPN Report

I now seek out and include all key stakeholders, even those with potentially differing values, to get to increased awareness, collaboration, and alignment.

-NLAPH Cohort 9 2020 participant

Discover how an overdose prevention coalition helped save lives in rural and urban California communities by implementing data-driven strategies.

Read case study


Participants highly rate their experience in our programs, and data show consistent satisfaction year after year

96% of participants would recommend our programs to colleagues

Thank you for the opportunity to participate in this program. Our community is benefiting from the coalition's involvement and sharing throughout the state.

-COPN Accelerator participant

You invest and you get a lot of resources, coaching, and an applied project [from the program]. Those are really critical things to work through some challenges and come out on the other end stronger with a bigger vision and more skills.

-LAPH participant

Our Programs and Initiatives

  • Building adaptive leadership skills and ability to work across sectors

    The Leadership Academy for the Public’s Health (LAPH) provides training to individuals and teams to advance their leadership skills and ability to build partnerships and leverage local resources.

    Teams collaborate on an applied health leadership project to address an issue in their community and work to create lasting impact through policy and systems change.

    Learn more ⭢

  • Accelerating local impact and building networks to save lives from overdose

    The Overdose Prevention Network supports local, regional, and statewide overdose prevention efforts.

    The California Overdose Prevention Network (COPN) is the largest overdose prevention network in the US, with active coalitions serving 85% of California’s 39 million people and an cohort-based Accelerator program for local coalitions.

    Learn more ⭢

  • Transforming the public health workforce through training, capacity building, and direct placement of professionals

    Workforce Pathways for the Public’s Health creates a more equitable public health workforce.

    We offer internships, employment, and service year opportunities for current and future public health professionals and partner with AmeriCorps, governmental public health departments, and schools and programs of public health.

    Learn more ⭢

Discover additional insights into our work

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