Asha Mehta
Asha is a facilitator, coach, writer, feminist, and creative whirlwind. She is one of the foremost transformational leadership developers in the country with three long strands of work stretching through her career: BIPOC feminist leadership, youth and community power-building, and radical vision and strategy.
Asha has worked to transform leadership development practice towards one that affirms and acknowledges the power of BIPOC leaders and grows it through community. She has designed and facilitated transformational leadership programs at CompassPoint, LeaderSpring, ASATA (Alliance for South Asians Taking Action), Community Network for Youth Development, the San Francisco Beacon Initiative, and as an independent consultant.
These include HIVE, a network leadership program for reproductive justice leaders in Louisiana; The California Endowment’s Building Healthy Communities leadership network across the state, the Next Generation Leaders of Color program, the Beacon Young Adolescent Initiative, Bay Area Solidarity Summer (BASS), the Sonoma Women’s Leadership Circle, and more.
She has also coached and consulted leaders from Mujeres Unidas y Activas, Public Advocates, Oasis for Girls, MISSSEY, and others. She was selected as a fellow for the Nonprofit Quarterly’s Edge Leadership Voice Lab, engaging with other leaders of color in knowledge creation.